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Back-in-stock WhatsApp feature
Back-in-stock WhatsApp feature

Discover our back-in-stock feature!

Updated this week

Recover lost sales through back-in-stock notifications. When products are restocked, it sends automated alerts via WhatsApp to customers who opted in. Features include

  • a customizable "Notify Me" button,

  • support for multiple languages,

  • GDPR compliance, and

  • direct checkout redirection.

Additionally, stores gain insights on popular products and can export data, schedule reminders, and resend alerts as needed.


Video Walkthrough and Setup


  • sticky widget

  • fixed CTA on pdp

all can be customised for Desktop & Mobile appearances here

One Flow, for all Signups

Doesn't matter what language/buzzword or if the customer has signed up through Mobile or Desktop. In Chatarmin you can create ONE Flow with the Trigger "Signed up for 'Back in Stock'":

For all new Signups, the flow adds a Tag about the Product to their profile.

A Tag with the label "BIS / Product X" -> Whereas "Product X" is the product/variant name

So now you can even filter your audience based on that Tags

One Flow, for all 'Back in Stock' Products

When choosing the Trigger "Product is 'Back in Stock'"

-> That Flow will listen for all the upcoming restocks and then trigger the Flow only for those, who have signed up to that restocked Product. Exactly for that, we have that unique Tag from their previous signup (mentioned above)

You can also customize when the Back in Stock notification is triggered, specifically in terms of the quantity of products that need to be back in stock before the notification is sent. You can adjust the settings in the Back in Stock flow so that the notification is only triggered when the stock level reaches a minimum threshold (e.g., 500 units). This ensures that the notification is sent only when there are enough items available, preventing messages from being sent prematurely due to small restocks (like a single returned item).

Since the Trigger can trigger for different Products, it also comes with "Variables" you can use for the Image or in Variables of a Template. So you can for example set the Image for a template like so:

Testing the Flow

For the above Flow, with the Trigger Product is 'Back in Stock', you can also use our new functionality to test your flow with a specified product:

Live Examples of Chatarmin WhatsApp Back-in-stock-Feature D2C Brands

Source: MatchaLand, Q4 2024

Source: MetaFlow, Q4 2024

Back in Stock Widget now also on "Collection Pages"

Q1, 2025



How does it behave with other 'Back in Stock' Widgets?

Our Widget/Button can be placed in different positions. Just find the one which suits you best or try to A/B Test Email & WhatsApp ✌️

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