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Chatarmin AI

Integrate Chatarmin's AI into your customer support and WhatsApp automations infrastructure.

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Chatarmin AI

You can integrate your own Chatarmin AI bot into Chatarmin to help solve your incoming customer requests via WhatsApp. And, automate leadgen and lead-enrichment based on logics and smart-splits you train your chatbot to execute. After buying your Smarter, Genius, Master or bigger subscription you can get access to Chatarmin's AI and thus start automating your customer support and WhatsApp Flows.
Feel free to inquire at our Team here, to get your Chatarmin AI quote.

Train and setup your Chatarmin AI Chatbot

  1. Prompt your Chatarmin AI Chatbot through the master-prompt-feature and give him the advice you want him to know

  2. Make sure you add your sources

  3. Please make sure you set your "retraining frequency" to "every 24hrs", so that the Chatarmin AI chatbot constantly learns, and iterates

  4. Feel free to test your bot! Before going livfe, testing is extremely important.

  5. Upon the chatstart you choose, feel free to choose "AI" in your flow-actions, to have your personal Chatarmin AI chatbot automatically engage with your clients, based on the prompts, training material, sources and integrations you provided to him!

    Example of a client using Chatarmin AI Chatbot for his fully automated client support. Integrating the Chatarmin AI chatbot with zendesk, billbee, and Shopify.

Retrain your Chatarmin AI Chatbot

Make sure you manually retrain your Chatbot if you are to add relevant sub-pages to your website or website sitemap. Also, if new manuals or prompts are available, make sure you feed your Chatarmin AI chatbot and manually press "retrain".

Attention: Make sure you "retrain chatbot" in the specific sub-source-page. Since the chatbot will only be trained on that source, accordingly. Thus, if you are to retrain "websites", make sure you click and are navigated to sub-page "websites", in order to train accordingly. Same accounts for all other chatbot-training-sources.

Improve Answer Manually

When you check the replies from AI in your chats, you can manually improve answers from your AI:

Integrate Chatarmin AI Chatbot with your Customer Support Tool

You do have the chance to enable our Chatarmin AI to integrate with your customer support tool, such as:

  • freshdesk

  • zendesk

  • Gorgias

  • DIXA

  • Intercom

  • HubSpot

  • and several others

Check out this video, to see how it works:

Source: Chatarmin, Q3 2024

BONUS 1: Watch a full Chatarmin AI-Chatbot-Built from Scratch, by our founder Johannes Mansbart, here:

Source: Chatarmin, Q3 2024

BONUS 2: Watch a full Chatarmin AI Setup Video by one of our gifted #teamarmin Devs, here:

Source: Chatarmin, Q2 2024

🚨 Disclaimer: IF the AI does not react to customer messages, feel free to trigger the AI-flow manually out of chat.

Live Chatarmin AI Chatbot Use Cases

Find here some live use cases of 7-figure and 8-figure D2C Ecom-brands, live on Chatarmin's AI Chatbot:

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