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Shopify - Order Tracking Thank You Page Widget
Shopify - Order Tracking Thank You Page Widget

How to implement your Shopify Order Tracking Widget

Updated over a week ago

Order Page Widget

You can create an "Order Page Widget" with our Shopify integration. On one hand, you give your customers additional quality of life improvements, on the other hand, you are simultaneously constantly generating leads passively and increasing the size of your WhatsApp list.

To find out how to set up your Order Page Widget click the "Setup" button on the "Dashboard" and follow the step-by-step instructions on the right-hand side. Alternatively you can watch the following video guide:

🚨 Note: Once setting up the Flows, note, that the "Shipping" Trigger, triggers also for Double Optins. If you don't want that and send shipment infos only to those, who have signed up for it, you need to add an additional if/else to check the Tag:

Testing the Widget

Source: Chatarmin, Q3, 2023

Thank You Page Widget: Desktop Campaign Notification

Source: Chatarmin, Q3, 2023

Shopify Checkout Admin Rights

🚨 ATTENTION: You need admin-rights for Shopify checkout in order to, either adapt the Thank You Page Widget, or insert the script, to even begin with. You can only iterate or install the Shopify-Thank-You-Page-Widget, if you are in control of checkout admin rights.

Source: Chatarmin, Q3 2024

Using the Thank You Page Widget for another purpose

If you don't wanna work with our widget for shipping info, but still want to use it, for example like 8-figure-Shopify&Klaviyo D2C-Brand "fairment" does, you can for example use the widget to just get some DOI leads into your Chatarmin WhatsApp data-base. Here is how this would look like:

  • Invite your thank-you-page-visitors to enter their phone number to get WhatsApp-campaigns and -updates.

  • Confirm the DOI upon phone number fillin.

Let us know, which way you prefer, and get those thank you page WhatsApp leads!

🚨🚨 ATTENTION: Please make sure for TYP Widget to always click "Save changes". This is something like "Activate Widget". This has to be done always. πŸ‘‡

BONUS: Testing the Thank You Page Widget - Desktop 🀝

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